Most commonly used websites:
http://www.grafcan.es/ : Government-owned corporation of Canary Islands in the field of Cartography
http://www.idecan.grafcan.es/idecan/es/inicio.html: Grafcan’s SDI (Spatial Data Infrastructure) Catalog
http://visor.grafcan.es/visorweb/: Web viewfinder for the whole Cartography that Grafcan offers. Español, Português, Français, English and Deutsch are the languages in which you can see the basic information
http://www.idee.es/show.do?to=pideep_pidee.ES Official spanish website for Spatial Data Infraestructure/SDI (Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales/IDE), Apart from the four official Spanish languages they offers Português, Français and English
http://atlastenerife.es/TeIDE2/Principal.do;jsessionid=0DDF256AD3683200BA0D0E7B23510E78 Official cartography website for the island of Tenerife. Cabildo of Tenerife
http://www.idegrancanaria.es/ Official cartography website for the island of Gran Canaria. Cabildo of Gran Canaria
Other interesting websites:
http://www.redmic.es/ : Government-owned corporation of Canary Islands in the field of marine Cartography, specially SDI Redmic’s viewfinder