Universidad de Sevilla

Universidad de Sevilla

jueves, 7 de abril de 2011

Maps: Photovoltaic Potential

Maps: Annual Average Temperature

Maps: urban pressure over Maspalomas sand dunes

In green, the Natural Protected Area of Maspalomas

Encyclopedia of Canary Islands

This website is an online ecyclopedia about Canary Islands (only in spanish)

Photo album in facebook: sea of clouds

Some remote sensing images of the sea of couds in the facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?id=175539415832113&aid=60184

And a very short explanation of this phennomena here:


Weather forecasting

Worried about the clothes to wear in Canary Islands?

Check here the weather forecasting for 14 days in:

And for a more accuracy prediction (for just 3 days):

Cartographic links (wms servers)

Most commonly used websites:

http://www.grafcan.es/ : Government-owned corporation of Canary Islands in the field of Cartography

http://www.idecan.grafcan.es/idecan/es/inicio.html: Grafcan’s SDI (Spatial Data Infrastructure) Catalog

http://visor.grafcan.es/visorweb/: Web viewfinder for the whole Cartography that Grafcan offers. Español, Português, Français, English and Deutsch are the languages in which you can see the basic information

http://www.idee.es/show.do?to=pideep_pidee.ES Official spanish website for Spatial Data Infraestructure/SDI (Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales/IDE), Apart from the four official Spanish languages they offers Português, Français and English

http://atlastenerife.es/TeIDE2/Principal.do;jsessionid=0DDF256AD3683200BA0D0E7B23510E78 Official cartography website for the island of Tenerife. Cabildo of Tenerife

http://www.idegrancanaria.es/ Official cartography website for the island of Gran Canaria. Cabildo of Gran Canaria

Other interesting websites:

http://www.redmic.es/ : Government-owned corporation of Canary Islands in the field of marine Cartography, specially SDI Redmic’s viewfinder

Join us in Facebook

This is our facebook page with photos, information, contact and more. It is a NOT OFFICIAL website of the IP, and it has to be understood as a way to let the participants to contact each others.
