Dunas de Maspalomas
The main subject of the day consisted in finding possible explanations regarding the formation of the Dunas de Maspalomas, as well as identifying solutions in order to stop or decrease the losses within the system. Although the origin of the dunes has been a controversially debated subject, research developed in the last decades offered answers regarding the main factors that determine a cycle of events. The physical configuration of the dunes seems to be a result of variable parameters as wind speed, oceanic currents direction, urbanization gradient, etc.
Recent studies revealed that the dunes cycle suffers losses in average of 42.000 m³/year. As the dunes are a very important touristic resource (2,5 million tourists/ year visiting Maspalomas, out of 3,2 million visiting the entire island), measures to limit the losses have been taken into consideration. One of these measures refers to supplying the system with large quantities of sand brought from the bottom of the sea. The main disadvantage of this proposal consists in the sand size of one of the submarine deposits, with very different dynamic characteristics that interfere with the natural movement rhythm of the dunes. Another possible solution is related to relocation of sand masses within the system, in order to balance the quantity level. This refers to extracting the excessive mass of sand out of the accumulation areas and relocating it at the beginning of the process, so that sand is recycled and therefore losses are avoided.
Considering the complexity of the cycle and its informational gaps, it is extremely difficult to identify optimal solutions and to forecast scenarios about the system dynamics after external interferences. However, the growing touristic market associated with the increase of human pressure demand an integrated management concept of the area.